27 августа 2012 г.

Postcards for the summer

A postcard from Anton from Ireland - Madam butterfly with the stamp of the Museum of Giacomo Puccini. Anton, my gratitude is immeasurable!
Мадам Батерфляй Пучини штамп музея

From Eugene Malikov came compilation of invitation (some of them look very impressive and quite able to compete with cards!. And yet Eugene sent me a view of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station! It is rare guests - but they and valuable. THANK you!
Братская ГЭС  2012
Invitation 65 years the Department of choreography GITIS 2012
Приглашение 65 лет кафедра хореографии ГИТИС 2012

Приглашение на Фестиваль 2011 Росгосцирк

I want to show картмаксимумы from Belarus - Ezhiki
These cute little animals in the summer of тераризировали our yard kittens - one even held his nose (he was just born!)
КМ 20.06.2012 Ёжики Минск Мицянин А

КМ 20.06.2012 Ёжики Минск Мицянин А

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